Effective Digital Marketing Solutions for Personal Injury Lawyers

Reach the people who need you most in a world that’s becoming more digital every day. We help law firms grow by reducing case acquisition costs, increasing conversion rates, and putting you on top of organic search rankings. No need to wait for the jury to decide. We are the best in the business.


Grow Your Digital Presence

Our Services

We know digital law firm marketing and understand that in the world of personal injury, turnarounds are quick and the competition is fierce. That’s why our services are designed to drive more traffic to your website, get you in front of the line, and convert digital leads into clients.




Lead Generation via Pay-Per-Click Management

Run campaigns to be found where your future clients are looking.


Search Engine Optimization

Now more than ever, it's important to get to the front of the line and show up in the top organic search rankings so that you can be the first person a client meets.


Content Marketing

Answer their questions before they know who to ask. Together, we'll build digital resources that scale your expertise and the size of your audience.


Social Media

Build accounts worth following when people need reliable information more than ever.


Design & Brand

Build a recognizable brand that represents the perceptions you want to own and helps you stand apart from the crowded digital pack.


CRO Optimization

Turns digital leads into clients by making sure your website represents you well.

We are experts in the digital tools that bring you cases

Seamlessly integrate with case management and intake software. Our tools are proven to be the most efficient for law firms to track and turn leads into cases.


Magneti Tools

A Recognized Leader in Law Firm Marketing

McDivitt + Magneti
Devaughn James + Magneti
Rainwater,-Holt-&-Sexton + Magneti
George-Sink,-P.A. + Magneti
Fleschner + Magneti
Crumley-Roberts + Magneti
Price Armstrong + Magneti

Why Magneti?

We know you want your firm to succeed. So do we. We care about results-driven marketing and are here to build a plan that’s right for your goals.

Google Partners Forbes Agency Council Yelp Ads Certified Partner


You will never wonder where your firm stands. We will communicate all things results and keep you in the loop on what we’re working on.


Our agency works with law firms across the country – but we prefer to partner with one firm per market. This allows us to focus on you and only you. We want to work with you, not your competitors.


We know digital marketing, and we know personal injury law firms. You can be confident that we will deliver great work for your firm, just like we have done for other firms for years.

From the Blog

Our blog posts highlight best practices and cutting-edge marketing insight into the ever-changing digital legal landscape.

8 Pay-Per-Click Tips for Law Firms
Key Features of HubSpot for Personal Injury Law Firms
The Blogging Practice That Can Kill Law Firms

Grow Your Digital Presence

Contact Us
Magneti aims to be the most effective and innovative growth marketing team in Colorado.