Happy Mother’s Day! Today, we want to recognize the amazing women on our team who balance motherhood and marketing!

We know having two full time jobs is not easy. Let’s hear from the Magneti moms about how they balance their work, home and personal lives:

Nerissa England

Nerissa with partner Ian and daughter Zara (9 months) in Italy

What does work-life balance mean to you?

Before I had a child, I had a more defined answer. But now that I have Zara, my definition of work-life balance is always evolving, and I am consistently striving for it. Work-life balance is so much more delicate now that I have to think for others too instead of just myself. Having an infant means thinking about time management in a way I never had before – balancing sleeping, feeding and work schedules is a delicate juggling act.

I hope to continue to evolve and learn as Zara grows, and as my job and responsibilities change. I want to be even better at adapting through new seasons – Zara’s milestones or getting a new client – and be in a good rhythm. When I have balance in my rhythms, I am much more present in both work and home life and am my best self for Ian and Zara.

When do you find time for yourself during the week?

During little moments each day—whether that is walking to lunch or enjoying a cup of coffee. When you have a nine-month-old and they need quite a lot from you, these little moments of silence are peaceful.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love hiking, gardening and baking. I love including Zara in all of my passions, and getting her excited about them too. I’m really just hoping to get her as excited about nature as I am so she will become my hiking buddy… once she can walk that is!

Tell me about a time recently you enjoyed with your family.

We recently went to Italy as a family, which was quite the adventure with an infant, but so, so wonderful. When I traveled to Europe before I had Zara, I was focused on everything around me. The art, food, architecture and people. However, on this trip I was so focused on my family and sharing in those experiences with them. That was my absolute favorite part. I was able to share in that culture, with them by my side. Working full time, I don’t see Zara for a large part of the day, so it was the little moments with her during the day that made that vacation so special.

How does Magneti support you as a mom?

Magneti is unique in its support for all employees, no matter what stage of life you’re in. Our leadership truly cares about how my family is doing, and if it is not well, asks how they can support me. Not all companies provide that care in a family sense.

You know the saying, “It takes a village”? Well that is true. Ian’s love and support make me an even stronger mother, and my Magneti family supports me in being a strong marketer. Its more than just work. I love having a group of people outside of my family that I truly care about and enjoy spending time with that push me to be better every day.

Work-life balance only happens when there are things in place to support you.

Some people make work-live balance look easy, but it is hard. Yet, it’s worth fighting for because there is so much health when you start to find that balance.


Karen Waldon

Karen with her daughters Ellie (12) and Jennie (16) on the ski slopes

What does work-life balance mean to you?

To me, having a healthy work-life balance means being fully present in either of those settings, and not going overboard on either one. I try to consciously devote time and attention to my family and to work. Because I am able to work from anywhere, it’s easy for work life to creep into my family time. This flexibility is a wonderful benefit, but it can make separating work and family time more difficult. After the work day is done, I put my laptop in my bag to keep from checking my email or working when it’s my time to be with my kids. Granted, I am not always able to make this clean cut, but I have been working on intentionally “putting work to bed” so I can be there to put my girls to bed.

Having a job makes me a better mom as I enjoy work and it gives some balance to my life. Working is really healthy for me, and so is being there for my kids. To keep the balance I had to combine the scheduling by combining my work and family calendars. Weekly or at dinner time I include my kids in this conversation of what is on the calendar for all of us. It’s a good way to stay connected and support each other even when we aren’t together. It helps to set expectations of when I can or cannot be “present” for family time.

What are your goals to better balance work and family?

I want to sneak in a little more me-time. The three footed stool where the legs are – family, work and me – isn’t always in perfect balance. I need to figure out how to add more time for myself, which I think will ultimately help the other two legs be stronger and more at ease. Right now, I have quiet time in the morning when no one else is awake yet. And, sometimes when I am really present with my kids, I have learned to see this as me-time too. It is a hard goal for me to work toward, but I know that it’s important.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love to ski, listen to music, spend time with family and friends, hike, travel and camp. Genuinely I love to watch my kids as they play sports, participate in music and drama. As they get older I know I will need to fill in with more of my own activities.

Tell me about a time recently you enjoyed with your family.

The girls and I went skiing a few weekends ago, just the three of us. We started the day with no expectations, no pressure on how many runs or getting away in time to beat the traffic. We enjoyed the sunny ski day with a long lunch playing the game where we try to list songs, movies books etc. starting with each letter of the alphabet. It was a really special day, nothing extraordinary but full of the things I love, being outside and being with two of the humans I love most in this world. It didn’t hurt that the sun was out and the girls didn’t fight (much) either.

How does Magneti support you as a mom?

Magneti truly understands and respects my commitment to being a good mom. Magneti allows me to share my hopes, sorrows and joys about being a parent. The leadership understands that we all have lives outside of Magneti and in the end family comes first. This philosophy isn’t found in a lot of work places. Every day I am grateful for this and the getting to work with people that care about one another and their outside commitments.


Marisa Williams

Marisa’s husband Elijah and sons Donavyn (12) and Cru (4) at a hot air balloon festival

What does work-life balance mean to you?

Work-life balance means to be fully present wherever you are, and not feel guilty for that.

I tend to see things through until the end, so it is a struggle for me to separate the two. I am learning to schedule dedicated time for both my family and job and hold myself accountable to both. I want to be conscious with my calendar and communicate that to my team, clients and family. I am a yes girl—I want to do everything, but I need to be more realistic and intentional about my time. 

When do you find time for yourself during the week?

Jam sessions in my car are the perfect me-time. From Bieber to Chris Stapleton to 2Pac – I jam out. It’s terrible free entertainment for passer-byers but it’s a great time for me.

What are some of your favorite things to do outside of work?

I love spending time with my family – they are everything to me. Cru is getting really competitive, so we love playing board and racing games as a family. I also love being outside, hiking, going to the park, relaxing and watching Greys Anatomy (and anything Vin Diesel).

Tell me about a time recently you enjoyed with your family.

The new park across the street from our house just opened, and my kids were so excited. Cru kept yelling, “It’s open, it’s open!” After our park day, we came home and had a family game night – we played Monopoly, Jenga and Twister. It was so much fun!

How does Magneti support you as a mom?

Magneti has been incredible for me. Everyone is so understanding, and is a step ahead of me to help me take care of my family. When my son got sick, everyone was so supportive, thoughtful, and rallied behind me. It is extremely meaningful to feel supported.


We have such incredible women on our team and are proud to support them in their work and family lives! Thank you to all the incredible mama’s out there who are dedicated to their families—we need women just like you!